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Is 'Blue Light' Really That Bad for Us?

Blue light will get you if you don't watch out. That's the message from the advertisers of blue-blocking glasses, computer monitors, and apps for cell phones and tablets. Their websites warn of eye strain, retina damage, and insomnia from the widespread use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in these devices and in light bulbs. "Overexposure to blue light could cause all kinds of problems, including dry eyes to digital eye strain, sleep cycle disruption, and even macular degeneration," Lens Crafters warns. "Blue light gives damage to the inner part of your eye," claims the maker of the AceColor app for iPhones. The Vision Council, a consortium of eyewear manufacturers, lists "blue light filter" as a feature of computer glasses that can "prevent the headaches and light sensitivity that people who spend long hours staring at a monitor often experience."

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