Wednesday, 5 February 2014

LED in Road and Street Lighting

In less than a decade, LED technology has created more turmoil in the lighting industry than anything occurring over the previous century. Every professional agrees that what used to be a conservative, well-controlled market is undergoing a massive change, referred to as the LED revolution. Therefore, it's high time to take a close look at what's happening and why, since each General Lighting application, be it indoor or outdoor, has its own way of adopting LEDs.
Outdoor lighting is no stranger to revolution. In fact, today it's one of the two most dynamic General Lighting market segments for LED adoption. Within the segment, architectural lighting was the early adopter, but the main driver these days is definitely road and street lighting. Historically the largest outdoor segment, it now offers the best prospects for LED development in professional exterior lighting. Road and street lighting is a very attractive market, with EBIT levels generally between 5 - 15% and steady growth despite the economic downturn.
It is estimated that LED luminaire revenue will reach $435M in 2013 and peak at $516M by 2016, fuelled by the increased need for energy efficiency. Growth will be driven firstly by tunnel lighting, and then relayed into highway, road, residential and amenity lighting applications starting in 2014. By 2017, market size should decline because of a decreasing replacement market (due to LED-based systems' higher lifetime) and also because of LED Luminaire's ASP.

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