Monday, 17 June 2019

New LED Horse Arena Lighting Packages Are Here

Access Fixtures, a Worcester, Massachusetts-based manufacturer of commercial, industrial, and sports lighting, has introduced three complete horse arena lighting packages intended for outdoor horse arenas of various sizes.

To date, Access Fixtures has provided custom packages based on photometric studies that are specific to the dimensions and needs of each arena. These new packages, based on 190' x 135' outdoor arenas and 150' x 75' outdoor arenas, provide customers with three different prepackaged options meant to throw a lot of light in a designated area. The packages make it simple for consumers to select what they need.

These packages can be used for various different types of equestrian sporting including but not limited to dressage, rodeo, and casual riding. All of these packages include steel poles APTA or APTI sports lighters. Quantity and wattage of fixtures will vary based on the package chosen. Average footcandles also varies between each of these three packages. These packages are the first wave of arena package releases planned by Access Fixtures--customers can expect more arena sizes and options to launch very soon.

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