Monday, 6 March 2023

Next generation sustainable light-powered electronic shelf labels

Today's fast-paced retail environment requires innovative digital solutions without compromising sustainability. Pricer, a leading supplier of shelf edge automation and communication solutions, will explore the possibilities of a new generation of advanced electronic shelf labels (ESL) making them self-powered through light in partnership with Swedish Epishine.

The retail industry's rapidly evolving digital transformation enables increased operation excellence, while there is an increasing focus on sustainability both within the industry and from the consumers.

Pricer and Epishine, a developer and manufacturer of indoor solar cells, are joining forces to enable a sustainable solution for powering ESLs through indoor ambient light. The aim of this cooperation is to find a solution that combines both the benefits of digitalization and the increased focus on sustainability.

Epishine's indoor solar cells are optimized for indoor lighting, meaning that they harvest energy from the available light indoors to power electronics like ESLs. The smart retail industry is a strategically great fit for a sustainable shift in powering method used for small devices such as shelf labels, not only due to the number of batteries that can be eliminated but also because of the light availability in stores.

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