Samsung Electronics added a new dimension to cinematic storytelling with The Wall Micro LED display at this year’s world famous Venice Biennale Art Festival.
At the festival, The Wall Micro LED is showcasing director Marco Perego’s latest film Dovecote, starring Zoë Saldaña. Dovecote is a poignant film about a woman’s emotional journey as she leaves the prison and the deep bonds she formed with fellow inmates.
The screenings, scheduled until the close of the festival on November 24, take place in a unique setting at the Vatican’s official pavilion located in the Giudecca women’s prison. This venue adds layers of emotional depth to the film as it is also where the piece was filmed, heightening the themes of freedom, belonging and resilience.
Renowned for its celebration of artistic expression, the Venice Biennale became a stage for technological innovation with Samsung Electronics’ involvement this year. Perego’s Dovecote demanded a display capable of capturing its emotional intricacies, including the strong bonds formed between the inmates and the isolation they endure. The superior color accuracy and contrast of The Wall made it the ideal choice.
Samsung Electronics’ cutting-edge Micro LED technology was selected to showcase Perego’s Dovecote. The Wall’s 1.2mm pixel pitch IWA model was chosen for its ability to immerse viewers in the film’s delicate visual nuances.
With Samsung’s The Wall, Perego was able to realize his artistic vision, presenting his film with the superior display needed to convey the precise hues and contrasts achieved during the color grading process. The immersive experience enabled by Samsung’s display technology was key to the film’s success in captivating artists, curators and art enthusiasts worldwide.
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