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AC-Direct LED Lighting Technology Explored and Explained

The LED lighting revolution is now a lighting evolution. With LED luminaires progressing from the uncommon and costly to the familiar and economical, both exterior and interior lighting applications are moving towards more effective LED lighting solutions.

LED technology has become more efficient and affordable however, the operating platform has remained the same over the past few decades. An operating platform that has relied on the failure-prone DC driver.

Recent technological advances have led to the elimination of the LED driver resulting in more efficient, longer lifetime and higher efficacy LED luminaires. These driverless LED solutions are easier to maintain and offer extremely long lives, often over 50 years.

The CEU (Continuing Education Units) course, “Re-inventing the LED Luminaire: From DC to AC-Direct”, will examine the state of the LED luminaire industry today with regards to the current construction industry. This course meets the requirements of both IESNA (The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) and the AIA (The American Institute of Architects).
“AC-Direct driverless LEDs are both an industry game-changer and disrupter,” said Roger Whyte, CEO and President of LiteSheet Soutions, a leader in AC Direct LED lighting technology, “Because of AC-Direct’s impact on lighting, LiteSheet decided to create and launch a CEU course that explores and explains this technological innovation.”

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