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Rising Customer Demand for Security Solutions in Home Automation Market

SKYX Platforms announced the introduction of a demo video of its Gen-1 gceiling platform technology, the specifications of which just received a historical approval vote by ANSI / NEMA, the leading U.S. standardization organizations for homes, buildings and the electrical industry.

Hundreds of millions of lengthy installations of light fixtures take place, all while people risk their lives by touching hazardous electrical wires while standing on ladders. These risks result in millions of hazardous incidents including shorts, fires, falls from ladders, electrocutions, injuries and death. These hazardous incidents can be greatly reduced or even eliminated by using the SKYX plug and play ceiling outlet receptacle. The SKYX technology simplifies the installation process while significantly reducing both time and cost, as well as substantially reducing hazardous incidents, injuries, and death.

The specifications of the new SKYX safe weight-supporting plug & play ceiling outlet/receptacle were approved by the U.S. leading home and building standardization organizations, the American National Standards Institute ("ANSI") and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association ("NEMA").

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