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ams OSRAM sharpens portfolio towards profitability and structural growth

ams OSRAM presents a strategic re-alignment of the group while reporting second quarter financial results in line with the company’s expectation range.

The company is re-focusing its semiconductor portfolio on its profitable core in differentiated, intelligent sensor and emitter components. The non-core and lower performing portfolio with revenues of around EUR 300 to 400 million - including amongst others - passive Optical Components, will be exited.

The automotive and specialty lighting business (Lamps & Systems Segment) with its expanding market leadership position in automotive lamps will continue to contribute meaningfully to the Group’s profitability.

ams OSRAM will expand its leading positions in the relevant automotive, industrial and medical (AIM) semiconductor markets. The Group will continue to pursue specific opportunities in the consumer device semiconductor market in product segments where it can achieve sustainable differentiation through cutting-edge innovation. It will focus its internal manufacturing capability on only those platforms that enable it to sustain differentiation versus competitors.

Going forward, investments in the core business such as high-performance LEDs and lasers, mixed-signal analog ICs and sensors will be strengthened further. The Group will continue selected investments into disruptive, future growth areas, such as microLED, but pursue a more balanced resource allocation between emerging and established opportunities.

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