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New LED lighting system delivered by Cecilia Patron in the South of Merida

The Municipal President of Mérida, Cecilia Patrón Laviada, inaugurated the new lighting system along Xmatkuil Road and 50th Avenue leading to the Periférico, featuring over 200 LED lamps.

Simultaneously, 1,114 sodium vapor lights are being replaced in the Emiliano Zapata Sur and San Antonio Xluch neighborhoods, making them the first areas to have fully LED lighting.

In Xmatkuil, Cecilia Patrón activated the switch that illuminated 50th Street South from Xmatkuil to the Periférico with LED lamps.

“These lights not only provide a brighter and more effective illumination compared to the previous yellow lights, but they also offer significant energy savings and are environmentally friendly,” the mayor stated.

Joined by community members, she demonstrated the new system, which provides better lighting, energy efficiency, and environmental benefits, and will be extended to the entire city in the coming months.

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