Fagerhult buys IoT lighting specialist Organic Response
A winner has emerged in the sweepstakes to buy troubled Internet of Things (IoT) lighting specialist Organic Response. Swedish lighting vendor Fagerhult Group has picked up the Australian company's intellectual property (IP) and some of its assets for an undisclosed sum. The impact of the deal could stretch to other significant players in the solid-state lighting (SSL) and IoT sectors.
Organic Response's sensor-equipped smart lighting technology resides inside luminaires and helps LED lighting systems double as data collection devices, enabling facilities managers to make better use of buildings by observing things like room use and occupancy. The company's technology also automates the process of commissioning indoor lights so that they know when to turn on, off, up or down and thus improve energy efficiency.
Organic Response's sensor-equipped smart lighting technology resides inside luminaires and helps LED lighting systems double as data collection devices, enabling facilities managers to make better use of buildings by observing things like room use and occupancy. The company's technology also automates the process of commissioning indoor lights so that they know when to turn on, off, up or down and thus improve energy efficiency.
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