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Maximize fish production with LED lighting

According to the UN, nearly 90% of the world’s marine fish stocks are now fully exploited, overexploited or depleted. There is need for sensible policies to conserve fish stocks combined with responsible fish farming.

Signify supplied Kingfish Company with its Philips Aquaculture photoperiodic LED lighting products to optimize fish growth and feed conversion at the world’s first sustainable land-grown aquaculture facility for Yellowtail fish. The lights provide effective and energy-efficient lighting for the large tanks and allows Kingfish to achieve as much as 30% higher production than designed for. The facility is equipped with proprietary recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and uses seawater and 100% renewable energy to deliver a healthy, antibiotic-free delicacy: the Dutch Yellowtail or Kingfish.

Light impact on fish is complex and there are multiple elements to consider: intensity and distribution, quality of light expressed in spectral composition, and photoperiod undergoing daily and seasonal cycles.

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