Aurora simplifies smart home lighting with Bluetooth remote control
An England-based company is focusing on ease of use in promoting a Bluetooth version of its wireless AOne home smart lighting system, which until now was available only in a hub-based Zigbee version.
The new Bluetooth offering, called Connect.Control, includes a handheld, no-fuss no-muss remote control device, possibly the easiest thing next to simply flipping a switch. For most functions, it doesn’t even require an app.
Out of the box, Connect.Control supports six different colors, five pre-set lighting scenarios, and a variety of brightness and color temperatures.
The new Bluetooth offering, called Connect.Control, includes a handheld, no-fuss no-muss remote control device, possibly the easiest thing next to simply flipping a switch. For most functions, it doesn’t even require an app.
Out of the box, Connect.Control supports six different colors, five pre-set lighting scenarios, and a variety of brightness and color temperatures.
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