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Silanna UV Launches Water Dispenser Disinfection Technology

Silanna UV is pleased to announce its new NozzleShield UV Water Dispenser Disinfection Application. This innovative technology uses 235nm (235 nanometre wavelength) UV-C LEDs to rapidly disinfect water dispensers, effectively eliminating bacteria and virus buildup. This ensures that water dispensers remain free from harmful bacteria, providing a significant benefit for companies looking to enhance their product features.

Many studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Far UV-C against various pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2. In fact, studies carried out at the University of Siena, Italy, in 2023, specifically confirmed the powerful biocidal disinfection properties of the 235nm Far UV-C output emitted by Silanna's UV-C LEDs. These tests showed the UV-C technology swiftly killing 99.9% to 99.99% of dangerous bacteria that commonly cause harm to humans – including E. Coli, S. Aureus and P. Aeruginosa. These bacteria are often responsible for dangerous outbreaks of food poisoning and other infections.

To further improve the efficacy of the technology, additional Far UV-C LEDs can be carefully positioned to enhance the disinfection of water dispenser nozzles, which are easily contaminated.

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