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Signify delivers plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90%

Signify has released its plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 90% across its entire value chain against a 2019 baseline and reach net-zero by 2040. The plan builds on Signify’s long-established leadership in transforming the lighting industry.

The Plan includes initiatives and programs across the business and value chain, which include incentivizing suppliers to commit to renewable energy, electrification of the logistics fleet and further extending the use of energy-efficient LED lighting – the single biggest factor in reducing the lighting industry’s emissions in recent years.

Since more than 90% of Signify’s value chain GHG emissions come from the use of its products throughout their lifecycle, the company’s 2040 net-zero ambitions focus on continuing to lead the industry in developing increasingly efficient lighting technologies.

As a result of its actions and innovations, Signify has already achieved a 50% absolute reduction in GHG emissions across its entire value chain, including the scope 3 use phase, since 2019. Yet a sizeable proportion of the global lighting stock is still conventional, meaning there is a significant opportunity for rapid progress. A global switch to energy-efficient LED would reduce global GHG emissions by 1%, which is the equivalent of half the total emissions caused by the aviation industry.

Earlier this year, Signify joined forces with Climate Group and other partners to launch Renovation Revolution with the goal of boosting renovation rates across the European Union - a crucial step if the region is to achieve its 2050 net-zero objectives.

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